What cause chapped & dry lips [3 reason]

What cause chapped & dry lips [3 reason]

What's happening to your lips ! There cracked & chapped and dry , look no more cause i will tell you the three most frequent reason why people have there lips dry all the time so stay tuned.

Dry lips reason 1 : Not enough water

I can stress this reason enough if you want to have your lips in good health then you will need to start with this since it a very basic principal .

Health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.
Written by Kris Gunnars, BSc on June 20, 2018

Drinking your 8 glass a day will help a lot will your hydration level which will moisture level will benefit from. This is something you should be able to implement today right after your done reading my blog.

Dry lips reason 2 : To much lip balm

Are you the type that put lip balm 20 time a day then if you are , you might have started to fell that your lips always need it AND THAT THE PROBLEM !

El báslsamo labial ChapStick en seis variedades.

According to the experts, the insatiable quest for a moisture-filled pout can lead to further dependence. In short, the more you use, the more you need it.
Eliza Cracknell
bodyandsoul.com.auJanuary 9, 201810:44am

Like everything in life when you abuse of something i will cause problem , instead of abusing the lip balm , you should have in general a more health lifestyle and everything will come in your way even your dry lips .

Dry lips reason 3 : Your environment

So for the last reason it not something that is possible to change but you can always adapt to it by adapting you are going to be able to prevent most of the damage that would be done from it.

Here are the tips & tricks for it :
Winter : Buy a humidifier if your house have very dry air , i would be a life saver for you
Summer : if you know that your going out for the days , using a lipstick with SPF to prevent damage from the sun.

If you keep those 3 reason in mind next time your lips are chapped then you will have a faster path to heal your lips.
